Vita House Services clg non-profit community organization is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, and its registered company number is 475518 (CRO number). We are a registered charity and its CHY Number is 19275. We are also registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority and its registered number therewith is 20075385.
The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for Vita House.
Mary Lee
In 1993 Mary Lee established Vita House Family Centre in response to Monsignor Charles Travers, P.P. Roscommon, whose idea it was to provide a service to families. She was Director of Services until 2013. Prior to this role, Mary had a career history of effective leadership in Second Level Education at Convent of Mercy, Roscommon Town, and in Community Development, Pastoral Outreach and Psychotherapy, in Athlone. She has served as Chair on second level school boards of management over the years.
Mary has been a member of Vita House Board of Directors since 2013. Her qualifications include a Masters in Systemic Family Psychotherapy with additional qualifications in the areas of Education; Group Facilitation and Suicide Prevention. She is a registered, accredited member with the following associations: FTAI (Family Therapy Association of Ireland), Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP), and European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP).
Gerry Finn
Mr. Gerry Finn has spent his working career in the Public Service, having served in various senior county and community development posts locally and throughout the midlands and western region. Mr. Finn is currently chairperson of the Western Development Commission. In addition, he is chairman of the Audit Committee of the Special EU Programmes Body responsible for the Peace Programme in Northern Ireland and the border counties and a member of the Audit and Risk committee for Galway Roscommon Education and Training Board. Mr. Finn holds a Masters in Rural Development from the National University of Ireland, Galway, and brings a wealth of development experience and expertise to Vita House Services CLG.
Marian Keigher
Marian Keigher began her career as a social worker for the Western Health Board, and later, Brothers of Charity, where she went on to serve as Director of Services. Following that, Marian became Coordinator of Vita House Services, and then Director of Services, for 9 years, until 2021. During her tenure, Marian oversaw the development of Suicide Bereavement, Cancer Support, Sibling Bereavement, and Family Resource Centre Services at Vita House. Marian is a Family Therapist and member of the FTAI (Family Therapy Association of Ireland) and Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP)
Cathy Farrell
Cathy Farrell has over 30 years’ experience with the Legal Aid Board, whose mission is to provide legal advice and representation to people experiencing barriers accessing the legal system, and to facilitate the effective resolution of civil disputes through the delivery of efficient and accessible legal aid and mediation services. The Legal Aid Board holds a similar ethos to that of Vita House.
David Gleeson
A fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland David is a partner of RBK Chartered Accountants. David has over 30 years’ experience providing business support advices and services to businesses including not for profit businesses helping them achieve their strategic goals and objectives. David has acted as a director of Vita House Services CLG since 2009.