Sarah Boyle
Sarah holds a BA (hons) in psychology, a professional MSc in Systemic Psychotherapy, a diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and has additional qualifications in the areas of Suicide intervention, addiction, clinical management, therapeutic crisis interventions and Psychometric assessments. She is an accredited member of the Family therapy association of Ireland (FTAI), The Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP), and the European association for Psychotherapy (EAP).
Sarah began her career in Dublin working in the Public sector in 2004. Having completed her degree in Psychology she went on to work in organisations such as: The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, SOSAD and with The Alternative to Violence Project, where she ran experiential workshops in conflict resolution and restorative practice, within the Irish prisons. In 2015 she began work as a Systemic Family therapist here, in vita house, and worked in private practice on a part-time basis. She is now Director of Services in Vita house with responsibility for Clinical Governance whilst also carrying an active case load in the Family Centre.
Sarah prides herself on working collabortatively and adapting to the needs of her clients. However, she describes her focus as helping to empower her clients to find their own inner strengths to overcome obstacles in life.
Works With: Individuals, Couples, Children, Families
Client Age Range: Children, Adolescents, Adults