A development agenda without migration would be out of step with our times. (William Lacy Swing, Director General of the International Organisation for Migration). Currently, more than one billion of the world population are migrants. This is a reality which poses many challenges for all involved the migrants themselves as well as the home and host countries. As a society, it is in our own best interests to welcome and integrate migrants, and to put into place structures and policies which will protect and enhance migration for the benefit of all.

At the time of the 2011 Census, the data indicated that there were 544,357 non-Irish nationals living in Ireland. Of these 8,704 were Brazilians. Many of them came to live and work in the West of Ireland in meat processing factories, in construction work and in the hospitality sector. A large number made their home in Roscommon town and environs where they continue to live. They bring many benefits to the local economy a younger work-force; a broad range of skill levels; a willingness to work and integrate, as well as a diverse richness of culture, religion, language, music, sport and ethnic cuisine.

Vita House has been to the forefront in establishing a dedicated service for the Brazilian community. As education is a key component of the integration process, English Language Courses are given on an on-going basis. These are proving very popular and helpful especially for the women who generally have to negotiate the various systems on behalf of the family. They are also encouraged to participate in V.E.C. programmes and community activities.

A Resource Worker is available Mon. to Thurs. to provide a comprehensive service aimed at promoting access to institutions as well as to public services.

The following are the main areas where help is provided:

Interpretation and accompaniment through the Immigration Process. Accessing Social Welfare, Health, Education and Housing services Interpretation and accompaniment to Hospital visits; Ante-Natal Clinics; Child Development Clinics; Case Conferences; Parent Teacher Meetings etc. General support and assistance in coping with the challenges of daily life.

Vita House has been to the forefront in establishing a dedicated service for the Brazilian community. As education is a key component of the integration process, English Language Courses are given on an on-going basis. These have proven very popular and helpful, especially for the women, who generally have to negotiate the various systems on behalf of the family. They are also encouraged to participate in V.E.C. programmes and community activities. Recently, Vita House, through the South Roscommon Family Resource Centre, has begun to establish new initiatives, such as the Brazilian Women’s Group, which will meet each Tuesday from 10am – 11.30am to facilitate a meeting space for Brazilian women to connect and share thoughts, ideas, skills etc, in an informal and friendly manner.  

The following are the main areas where help is provided:

Accessing Social Welfare, healthcare, education, housing, interpretation, Child Development Clinics, parent-teacher meetings, information regarding work permits/visas, and general assistance and information about making your life in Ireland.  All services provided are strictly confidential and no data is held on our systems without the consent of the parties involved. The primary aim of our service is to help Brazilian people to overcome the basic every-day challenges that one can expect to meet when living in another country.


A Resource Worker is available, by appointment, on Monday mornings (9.30am – 1pm) and Thursday afternoons (3.30pm – 7pm) to provide a comprehensive service aimed at promoting access to institutions as well as to public services. HSE

guidelines in relation to Covid19 must be adhered to and respected at all times.

A Vita House tem estado na vanguarda no estabelecimento de um serviço dedicado à comunidade brasileira. Como a educação é um componente-chave do processo de integração, os cursos de inglês são ministrados continuamente. Estes se mostraram muito populares e úteis, especialmente para as mulheres, que geralmente têm que negociar os vários sistemas em nome da família. Eles também são incentivados a participar do V.E.C. programas e atividades comunitárias. Recentemente, a Vita House, por meio do Centro de Recursos da Família South Roscommon, começou a estabelecer novas iniciativas, como o Grupo de Mulheres Brasileiras, que se reunirá todas as terças-feiras das 10h às 11h30 para facilitar um espaço de encontro para as mulheres brasileiras se conectarem e compartilharem ideias , ideias, aptidões etc, de forma informal e amigável.

A seguir estão as principais áreas onde a ajuda é fornecida:

Acesso ao Bem-Estar Social, saúde, educação, moradia, interpretação, Clínicas de Desenvolvimento Infantil, reuniões de pais e professores, informações sobre autorizações / vistos de trabalho e assistência geral e informações sobre como viver na Irlanda. Todos os serviços prestados são estritamente confidenciais e nenhum dado é mantido em nossos sistemas sem o consentimento das partes envolvidas. O objetivo principal do nosso serviço é ajudar o povo brasileiro a superar os desafios básicos do dia-a-dia que se espera encontrar ao morar em outro país.

Uma assistente communitaria está disponível, por marcação, nas manhãs de segunda-feira (9h30 – 13h) e na quinta-feira à tarde (15h30 – 19h) para prestar um serviço abrangente que visa promover o acesso às instituições, bem como aos serviços públicos. HSE

as diretrizes em relação à Covid19 devem ser seguidas e respeitadas em todos os momentos.